Monday, June 28, 2010

Yoga in the Moonlight

Tonight I planned on doing Goin' Big (the full routine).  I rolled out my mat in front of my TV as I've done this whole month, and then I heard someone yell from outside on the street which made me look out the window.  That's when I noticed the moon and how absolutely gorgeous it looked.  A light bulb turned on in my mind and I brought my mat outside on the balcony and did Sunset Session instead, in honour of tonight's pretty moonlight. 

I felt some great release in my traps.  This is a pretty big deal for me as I've actually been doing yoga on and off (mostly off) since grade 11 and have never felt this.  Eoin has us do this one pose that I think is called Padangusthasana... where you do a forward bend while sliding the palms of your hands under your feet so that the tips of your toes make contact with the insides of your wrists.  Someone correct me if that's not what it's actually called!  For the longest time I had no idea this posture had the ability to release tension in the traps.  If you do it right and just learn to LET GO, your head just suspends upside down in pure freedom.  It's a glorious feeling, you feel your spine grow so long and I felt like I could stay bent over like that for eternity. It made me realize that those poor muscles of my back likely spend their entire day engaged and tight like that.  Once upon a time I may have noticed that, but now it's become such a habit that the tightness has become normal.

After tonight I only have 2 more visits with Eoin and crew until the challenge is over.  I can still hardly believe its ending.  I have been receiving emails from friends telling me that they've joined me in The Pursuit of Happy Hips as well!  Super exciting news!  I hope you guys enjoy the DVDs as much as I have.  One of my favourite bits of wisdom from Eoin that I would like to share with you guys as you start your own yoga journey is: Yoga postures are like a good relationship, challenging but never torture, and they always make us grow.

On a completely unrelated note:  Tomorrow Spain plays against Portugal in the World Cup.  I am so excited!  I love watching these boys play!  They never fail to display such great sportsmanship, mad skills, and well, they're not too bad to look at in shorts either!  Good luck boys! 



  1. Oleeee esa Bandera de España!!!!
    Esta noche vamos a ganar a Portugal

  2. awesome blog and awesome taste in soccer!
