Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Power of Deep Breathing

Today is day 5 and I'm starting the set of four routines all over again.
The routine for the day is Easy Street which is a great thing in my book because I'm so exhausted I don't think I could handle some Champion's Hips today.

I honestly feel like I closed my eyes for a second, and the class was over.
Somewhere after setting the timer on my camera so I could take a picture of me doing Warrior III, I popped right into the "zone".  I eased into the hip opening exercises and instead of feeling hints of anger come out like last time, I felt the need to breath deeply.  It was kind of intense.  You know the movie the Green Mile?  It sort of felt like the scene in that movie when John Coffey breathes out all that evil spirit fly stuff.  I almost didn't even hear Eoin talking in the video anymore.  I was too into the breathing.  I could feel and envision the stale energy leaving my hips and just pouring right out of me with every exhale.  This started in pigeon pose, and then the rest is a blur.  Savasana took me straight into the most restful ten minutes of sleep I've had in a long time.
I feel like a new woman!

I was reading in a book somewhere that one of the main purposes of the practice of yoga is to properly prepare the body for hours of meditation.  The postures are meant to relieve tension, realign the body and the chakras in order for you to be able to sit still comfortably, without moving, and go deep into meditation.  I certainly failed that mission by flat out falling asleep in savasana tonight.  I suppose I really needed that though.

I very much feel like I am detoxing during this first week.   The strange part is that I am not taking any herbal tinctures, or teas, there is no milk thistle in my cupboards, and I haven't started any hypoallergenic diets.  I'm strictly just doing yoga everyday for an hour, and I'm being purged of any negativity I was holding onto without realizing.  It really goes to show what the power of deep breathing can do for you.

So now, I anxiously await Day 6 and another round of World Champion's Hips and the dreaded boat poses.
Here's hoping for good outcomes tomorrow!


  1. soooo good! keep it up!


  2. amazing blog!
    Are you wearing a lululemon shirt? it fits you so well.

  3. Thanks guys!!

    I AM wearing a lulu shirt! It's the "No Limit" tank! We just got a bunch in the store a few days ago!
